Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Always Playing Ketchup

Last weekend was most amazing.  It was so beautifully sunny outside that I was surprised when I managed to convince Andy to venture underground with me and pay a visit to Lewis and Clark Caverns.  You see, I recently convinced myself that, like my father, I was also suffering from claustrophobia.  What better way to prove yourself wrong (thank God!) than climbing inside of a mountain.  So let's call it a quest...yes, just like Frodo and Sam's.  Only there was no ring, maybe a pesky little kid I wanted to push into the darkness.  I bet our guide would have been on my side...oh boy was that child annoying.

On a happier note, here are the pics.

                             We stopped at a lookout                            

       Andy found this cute little guy at the Gift shop

       Waiting to start the hike up to the Cavern entrance

      The descent
                               Cutest Cowboy hat wearing caveman ever!

                               I think the pinkish color is because of the Iron oxide.

     *Side note:  Even though I look like I am 6 month pregnant in this picture, it is the only one I have of Andy and I together.  It's not my fault that I was leaning back and my shirt popped out.  Sorry, no cave babies today.

At the end of the day, tired and sunburned (not from our cave adventure) Andy was enjoying the sunset at our friend's house.

oh yeah, we also hiked a bunch the next day.

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